How my engagement on Twitter unexpectedly propelled me into inner circle of a billionaire Silicon Valley titan

A few years back, my engagement on Twitter unexpectedly propelled me into inner circle of a billionaire Silicon Valley titan. My journey began with simple tweets and replies—ephemeral thoughts launched into the digital void—that serendipitously earned me access to an exclusive group chat comprising of a 100 tech founders, investors, and deep thinkers, all initiated by a famous tech mogul inside his new app (which he just launched as a private beta).

Receiving the invitation via a Twitter direct message, I initially dismissed it as a potential scam. However, to my astonishment, it was genuine. After verifying the authenticity of the invite, I eagerly joined the app. He had recognized value in my digital musings. It was surreal for me because this individual had been my biggest role model (I had listened to all of his podcasts and read his books & tweets for over a decade).

Participating in this forum was enlightening. It served as a repository of groundbreaking ideas, candid feedback, and unconventional wisdom inaccessible through conventional online searches. The discussions were candid, revealing perspectives and nascent concepts that, once shared publicly on Twitter by the group chat owner, often went viral, reshaping online dialogues.

The group's privileges were eye-opening, especially during the pandemic. For instance, the group chat owner offered passage to Bali for members at a time when pandemic travel restrictions were stringent. Moreover, the chat offered real-time financial insights during market volatility and served as a conduit to some of the internet's most provocative thinkers.

This eclectic assembly of individuals also delved into lifestyle experiments, like adopting carnivorous diets, challenging societal norms, and exploring the limits of conventional wisdom. Unfortunately, the app's journey was short-lived, ceasing operations after two years and dissolving the group.

This experience underscores the internet's transformative potential. Engaging thoughtfully with your heroes online can unlock unprecedented opportunities, illustrating that we're navigating an era that would astonish anyone from the days of dial-up internet. Indeed, we are living in what feels like the future.